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Summer Week 8 Blog

Come spend a week with us !!

Day 1 :

We woke up at 8am then ate our breakfast. We went to the stables at 9am.

While Andrea and Charlotte were riding Zulu and Rubix , Oscar and Anna brush Brooke and Nael and Celeste brush Jamie. Andrea and Charlotte were practising the dressage off the galop 3.After that Anna and Celeste rode Rory and Annie. Oscar and Nael showered Brooke. Andrea and Charlotte paint horseshoes. Anna and Celeste worked on cessions in trot. Then Oscar and Nael rode Buster and Jamie. Anna showered Harry. Around 1:30pm we ate our sandwiches. At 3pm we had our English class which was very constructive.We talked about the Olympics and did some wordcross.We listened to an audio and answers to some questions.The time passed very well !

We had a little snack then we went to the swimming pool.We had a lot of fun. This was very nice ! We ate pasta bolognaises then had an ice cream. This was a great day, see you tomorrow !!

Day 2

Today we woke up at 9am then ate our breakfast. Then we went to the stables at 9:30am. The first group to ride was Nael and Oscar who rode Jamie and Buster. While the girls were waiting, they brushed George,Rubix,Zulu,Jack,Benson,Annie,|Rory and Albert.The second group was Charlotte and Celeste they were riding Rubix and Zulu.

Then Andrea and Anna rode Annie and Rory.The girls worked on curved lines. After that, everyone cleaned the horses and continued to paint the horseshoes. Then we ate. We had a little break of 1:30min . Then went back to the stables. We put the horses at the paddocks. We had English class.We worked about differents jobs and listened to an audio.Then we took our showers. We had a great meal and ate ice cream.We celebrate Nael’s birthday and ate birthday cupcakes. We had a good day!!

Day 3

Today we woke up at 10:00.a.m. We took our breakfast at After we had a break. Celeste and Charlotte helped Grace with Jamie. They brushed all the ponies.

The pause start at 10:30 a.m. and it finished at 11:30 am. 

After we had our english lesson.We worked about how to take care of the horse and his health .Then we ate our lunch. 

We went to Michelle and Grace’s friends Kirstie and Steve.We did beautiful birthday cards and we played table tennis and ludo.Oscar won the ludo.We taked our showers and Charlotte revised her galop 3. We had a great meal and saw a movie.A very good day !!

Day 4

Today we woke up at 8am.We ate our breakfast. We had to say bye to Oscar who was leaving today.He had his galop 2.All the girls brushed the horses and the ponies.Nael had his lesson he rode Jamie. Nael did canter.We had our English class.We worked on some vocabulary and translating dressage recovery.We ate our lunch then had a little break. The first group to ride was Celeste and Charlotte who were riding Annie and Rubix. They did a jumping lesson. Andrea and Anna rode the same horses as Celeste and Charlotte.While we were waiting we finished our horseshoes.They did a jumping lesson too. Everyone put the horses in the paddocks.We cleaned the stables then showered. We ate our dinner, which was excellent. Thank you Michelle for the meal. We had ice cream then watched a movie. An excellent day!!!

Day 5

Today we woke up at 8am.We ate our breakfast.We went to the stables and brushed the horses. We played games.The teams were : Celeste,Charlotte and Valentine then Nael,Andrea and Anna. The ponies were Jamie and Buster then Brooke and Swing. Charlotte’s team won.Jamie and Buster were very happy.We had a good time !!We shampooed Buster and Swing.

We ate our last lunch together 🙁 

We went to the lake at 3pm. We paddle and played a lot.We swam in the lake.This was very funny.We had dinner near the lake. We ate a picnic.When we came home we played drama.We showered and went to sleep. 

That was a very good week.Thanks to Michelle and Grace.We had  very good horse riding lessons and english class.The meals were very good thanks to Michelle.We had very good meetings and we’re sad to go back home. 

See you next year !!