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Summer Blog Week 8


Today was our first day of the camp. We started of the day by waking up at 8am and put are riding clothes. Afterwards we went down for breakfast and we had some chocolate cereals and bread spread with nutella. Then we went down to the stable and started by cleaning some Horses. Then Ava went to take George and Albert  out of the paddocks. Afterwards Ava and Marie  had there lesson and Ava rode Archie and Marie rode Rory Where they practised doing Serpenlines and transition. While Jodie and Charlotte were mucking out the paddocks. Afterwards Jodie and Charlotte had their lesson while Ava and Marie unsaddled the horses and cleaned the bridle and saddle. Then we went back to the house and had some cheese toasties for lunch. After lunch we all sat down for a game of Uno. We ended up playing more than one round of Uno. Afterwards it was time for the English lesson. Where Charlotte, Ava and Marie learned about the different sports like snowboarding and so on. Now not everyone had an English lesson because they were too young or were already fluent in english. For example Jodie is already fluent in English and Zellie and Elaia were not interested in English lessons. So while some of the girls were having their English lesson the other girls washed some of the horses’ tails and went on a short hack. Jodie rode George, Zellie rode buster and Elaia rode swing. Afterwards when everyone was back we went and showered. After everyone showered we all sat down for dinner and had some tasty spaghetti with bolognese and tomato sauce and now we’re writing this short blog about what activities and jobs we did today. Afterwards we’re probably going to spend a bit of time on our phones and talking with each other and then we’re going to go to bed.

Tuesday :

Today we woke up like on monday again at 8am and had the same thing for breakfast that we had on monday. Afterwards we went back upstairs and changed and got ready to go to the stables. At around 9am we all met outside and walked  to the stables. We started like yesterday by cleaning some horses, however today we didn’t muck out the paddocks unlike yesterday. Today we had the same groups so Marie and Ava and Jodie and Charlotte. We all had the same horses as yesterday so Charlotte was on George, Ava was on Archie, Marie was on rory and Jodie on rubix. However today we didn’t do the same thing in the lesson instead we practised yielding and transitions again. While Ava and Marie had their lesson Charlotte, Zellie and Jodie gave buster a bath. Afterwards Jodie and Charlotte had their lesson while Marie and Ava cleaned their bridle and saddle. After Charlotte and Jodie’s lesson everyone went back to the house and had some sandwiches for lunch. We played uno. After that, Ava, Charlotte and Marie took our notebook for her English lesson. During the english lesson, we worked on different artists, first we worked on the life and the career of ariana grande and then we worked on ed sheeran’s life. We had listening one of his music named “Bad habits” and we completed the missing worlds in this song. During the english class, Jodie had some exercises about horse theorie, after Jodie went to do an exercise with Zelie and Grace. Around 4:30 pm we put swimming costume and we took the car to go to lake with Michelle for doing canoe kayak. We had a problem when we arrived in the lake because it was too late and we could not do canoe kayak. We decided to buy some ice cream, cookies and muffins. Charlotte took an ice cream at melon and a muffin, Ava bought an ice cream at stracciatella and a cookie, Jodie chose an ice cream at menthe and Marie took a granita at coconut. Then we put our towels next to the lake and we went to saw if the water was cold. we spent around one hour in the lake and we returned in the house with Michelle. When we come back in the house we went to the shower and after that we went down to set the table. We ate rise whth pears, mushrooms and chicken. For the dessert everybody took an ice cream with two balls. To finish the day, we played badminton and talked to each other before going to wash our teeth and go to bed. However, we found two insects in our room and we called Michelle to kill them. Jodie and Ava screamed and hid in the bathroom because they were afraid of insects.

Wednesday :

Today we woke up at 8 am we put riding clothes and we went down to took the breakfast. For the breakfast we ate bread with chocolate and speculos and also cereals with milk and we drunk apple and orange juice. We went to brush our teeth before go to the stables. We went to stables after breakfast for brush horses. Jodie and Ava brush Benson and after come back Alf and George, we brush George. Marie and Charlotte brush Rubix and Albert. After this, two team went clean the paddock. Charlotte and Marie clean the paddock background the stabbles. And Ava with Jodie clean the paddock of Rubix with Swing and also paddock’s Benson and Harry. Then, Jodie and Charlotte prepare George and Rubix for her lesson. During this time, Ava and Marie go back Rory in the box for brush his and brush Archi after this. Then, we put the rug of Jack, Albert and Alf. After,her lesson Marie took Rubix at Charlotte and Ava took George at Jodie. Two teamwork the same exercises with pole on the ground. 8 pole positioning in fish. After the lesson Ava and Marie go to walk around the stables. After this, we went to shower Rubix before George and got a lunch for horses. Then, we went to lunch our sandwiches before the english lesson. We start the lesson by the correction of Ed Sheeran exercices and started a description of three pictures with horses. And we started the lesson earlier the time for went to kayak and paddle. After the lesson we went in the car to went in the lake and during the traject, Doli who is in the boot jump on the backseat for see landside. We arrived of the lake we went to took a kayak for swam on the lake. After this, we went to sleeping in towl before the diner. We had a picnic in the lake with Elaia and Zelie. After, we came back home and Grace draped Elaia at her home before going back here. After we wrote the tuesday blog and went to shower before the night. And after we went to sleep.


Today we woke up at 7:45 am because we didn’t finish writing the blog of yesterday. For breakfast we ate bread with chocolate and speculoos and also cereals with milk and we drank apple and orange juice. So we went down to take the breakfast and after this we directly wrote the blog. After this, we put on our riding clothes and brush our teeth. We went to the stables and we brushed Benson and Rubix with Marie and Jodie and Ava brushed Albert and George.Then, Jodie and Charlotte went to the lesson.. A jumping lesson! We work the same exercise, it’s an exercise where we jump 8 obstacles ( cross, oxer, vertical). Ava is the only person who jumps an oxer. After the lesson of Jodie and Charlotte, Ava took George to Jodie and Marie took Rubix to Charlotte. Then, we went to lunch with our sandwiches before the English lesson. In the english lesson, we work on the comprehension oral on London and touristic activities in this city. After this exercise we make a dictery on the family of the queen Elizabeth ll and in the end we work on the cross words. And after the english lesson we took a short break and 30 min later we went down to write the blog. After, we went to the shower and then we went down to set the table and we ate hamburgers!! After the dinner, we played on the blind test with Grace and Michelle and we did some dancing before washing our teeth and we went to sleep.

Friday :

Today Jodie woke up at 8:00 am, Charlotte at 9:00 am and Ava and Marie woke up at 9:45 am. Everybody went down to take breakfast and after brushing our teeth we went to the stables. Jodie prepared Rubix with Charlotte and took her lesson with Grace, she jumped with Rubix. Charlotte brushed Jack and Albert, Ava brushed Archi, Rory and Alf, she also cut the passage of Rory’s headpiece of Rory, Alf and Geaogre and Marie brushed Benson and George. After that we washed Harry and we came back home for eat. We ate sandwiches, chips and cake, and we did a blind test during lunch time. Then we went to take our shower and at 3:30 pm we went down again to take our English lesson. We had a dictionary about the queen, after we did a scrabble in english. Then we read our three dicteries and explain the words we do not understand. After that we did a blog and then we went to the laser game. For dinner we went to the restaurant and we ate pasta with carbonara and pasta with salmon. Then we came back home and we brushed our teeth and went to bed.