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Summer Blog Week 4

Monday 17th July:

Today we woke up at 7:56 and got ready in riding clothes. We went downstairs to have our breakfast around 8:20. Afterwards, we went back upstairs so as to brush our teeth. Once we were done we went to the stables and the first groups started to get ready for their riding lessons. As usual everyone brushed the horses: Flora for Rory, Lou for Archie, Heloise and Louise for Jamie, Noelyne and Carla for Brooke and Buster, Melissa and Morine for Jack and Swing, Morgane for Benson and Harry, Amandine for George. The first group composed of Amandine with George, Lou with Archie and Flora with Rory went to the arena while the others went to the jumping paddock to prepare the obstacles for thursday. We also looked after the horses and Heloise and Louise brushed Rubix. Once the first group had finished its riding lesson the second one got into the arena (Louise with Rubix, Melissa with Rory and Morine with George). Eventually the other students showered Archie and took care of his saddle and his bridle. After the end of the second group’s lesson we all showered the horses that had been ridden before. After having taken care of both their saddles and bridles we went back to the house in order to change into casual clothes. We had lunch… everyone except Louise took croque-monsieur ! We had a few free time before the English lesson. This time there were two groups. Michelle’s friend Dorothy taught Melissa and Louise while Grace taught the others. Right after the English lesson we went to the lake. We swam, did paddling and canoeing. Some of us ate ice cream and slush puppies. We went back home as Carla, Noelyne, Morgane and Heloise had to take their riding lesson. Lou, Flora and Louise helped them to get their horses ready while the others showered. The first group in the afternoon was composed of Heloise (with Rubix) and Morgane (with Swing) and the second one of Carla (with Buster) and Noelyne (with Swing). Carla and Noelyne exchanged their horses in order for Carla to canter. Then everyone went back to the house to take their showers. We ate delicious lasagnas and now we’re writing the blog in front of the end of the sunset. 🛶 🌊 🌇

Tuesday 18th July:

After having woken up at 8:00 a.m. everyone dressed up in riding clothes. Then we went directly downstairs to have breakfast. Once we had eaten we brushed our teeth and went to the stables to brush the horses. Melissa and Morine brushed Albert and Jack; Lou brushed Archie; Flora brushed Rory and Jack, Heloise and Louise brushed Benson and Rubix; Amandine brushed George; Carla, Noelyne and Morgane brushed Jamie, Brooke, Buster and Swing. Eventually the first group went to the arena to take their riding lesson (Amandine with George, Lou with Archie and Flora with Rory. The others helped in the stables and watched the lesson. The second group composed of Louise with Rubix, Morine with George and Melissa with Rory started riding. Right after the end of the lesson we showered all the horses and took care of the saddle. To continue we went back to the house to get changed into casual clothes and eat lunch. We had once again a few free time before the English lesson (still in two different groups). We went to Michelle’s friend Dorothy’s house to have  fun in her swimming pool. We met Dorothy’s granddaughter Aurora there and she was absolutely lovely. We played some games with her for hours. At about 06:30 p.m. we went back home and Heloise, Carla, Noelyne and Morgane got dressed in riding clothes to take their riding lesson. After some dressage they jumped in the jumping paddock. Heloise was with Swing, Morgane with Rubix, Carla with Swing and Noelyne with Rubix. It was already late when they came back and we all took our showers before dinner. After everyone’s chores were done we started writing the blog which we are still doing now. The sun has almost disappeared and Flora is looking forward to stealing Albert (her favourite horse) at the end of the week. 🥷 🏊 👙

Wednesday 19th July:

Today we woke up at about 8:05 a.m. to get our riding clothes on. Once we were ready we went downstairs to have breakfast. Then we went to the stables to brush all the horses. Noelyne, Morgane and Carla brushed Harry, Brooke and Jamie, Amandine and Louise brushed Rubix, Amandine and Heloise brushed Benson, Jack and Buster, Flora and Lou brushed Rory, Albert and Archie. This time the first group was composed of Melissa with Rory, Morine with George and Louise with Rubix. They started riding while the others kept brushing the horses. The second group composed of Lou with George, Amandine with Rubix and Flora with Rory went to the jumping paddock to do jumping. Once both lessons were finished we took care of the tack and showered the horses that had been ridden. We then went back to the house to get changed in our shorts and to have lunch. Eventually we had our English lesson. We began it all together and then were divided into the two same groups (Melissa and Louise with Dorothy and the others with Grace). Heloise had a riding lesson with Grace during which she repeated her dressage test for her galop 4. Right after she had finished everyone got ready to go to the lake. We were supposed to go canoeing but unfortunately it was closed… Some of us swam in the lake with Aurora while the others talked on the beach. We met Michelle’s friends Dorothy and Dawn with her student Josephine. Heloise and Louise already knew her from last week and she’s absolutely lovely. Now we’re waiting for Grace to have a nice picnic for dinner ! 🧺 🌊 😁

Thursday 20th July:

Today we woke up at 8:04 a.m. to get ready in riding clothes. We went downstairs to have breakfast and brushed our teeth before going to the stables. Carla and Louise brushed Harry, Noelyne and Heloise brushed Buster, Carla, Noelyne, Louise and Heloise brushed Brooke and Jamie, Lou and Morgane brushed Archie, Amandine and Morine brushed George, Flora brushed Rory, Carla brushed Swing, Morgane brushed Benson, Albert with Melissa and Morine, Louise, Melissa, and Heloise brushed Rubix and he was brushed a second time by Amandine and Noelyne. Eventually the first group (Lou with Archie, Amandine with George and Flora with Rory) went to the arena. Then the second group (Morine with George, Melissa with Rory and Louise with Rubix) went to the arena then the jumping paddock to do jumping. It was amazing ! At the end we all showered the horses and cleaned and greased the tack. We went back to the house to get dressed in casual clothes and have lunch. Then we had the English lesson (still in two groups). Grace’s group listened to music and did a blind test ! Shortly after that Heloise, Morgane, Carla and Noelyne went to the stables to get their riding lesson. Morgane rode Swing and Heloise rode Rubix in the same group. They did jumping and Heloise passed her galop 4’s jumping test. Then Carla rode Swing and Noelyne rode Rubix. They did jumping and Swing was lovely according to Carla. The others were painting horseshoes and chatting. After that everyone took their shower and we set the table for dinner. Tonight was burger night ! Furthermore as it was Carla’s birthday (she’s 15 now !) we had a piece of cake with our ice creams ! The cake was absolutely delicious… Now we’re writing the second to last blog and it’s soon time to go to bed. 🎂 🥳 🐎

Friday, 21st July

Today we woke up at 9h30 because we did a lie-in as we didn’t have to ride. We dressed up in casual clothes and went downstairs at 10h30 to have breakfast. Then Heloise and Flora stayed upstairs for Heloise to revise her theory for the galop 4 while the others went to the stables to brush the poneys. Heloise passed her theory test and we had lunch. We had a little free time before the English lesson. During the English lesson we did a play. We dressed up better and went to the bowling with Orian. We had a lot of fun here and Heloise is very bad at bowling. Then we went to the restaurant and ate delicious pizzas, burgers abd nuggets for Heloise and pastas for Louise. At 21h we went back home and presented Michelle and Grace our play. Now we are writing the blog and we are very sad because it’s the last day and our last blog. I’m going to cry ( Heloise).  As a conclusion we are going to take our shower together and go to bed. Good night. (Heloise)