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Summer Blog Week 3

Monday 10th July :

Today we woke up at 8:07 a.m. to dress up in riding clothes. We went downstairs to have our breakfast. Then we went back upstairs so as to brush our teeth and get ready to go to the stables. We all brushed the horses : Louise and Appoline for Rubix, Ella and Andrea for George, Heloise for Swing, Iris for Jamie, Chiara for Rory and finally Anais for Brooke. To continue, the first group composed of Appoline with George, Andrea with Rory, Chiara with Archie and Louise with Rubix got their hat on. They all went to the area to walk the horses in order to start the lesson. Meanwhile the first group was having its lesson the other girls helped Michelle with the horses for example by showering and brushing them. Just after the first group had finished its lesson the second one got ready to ride the horses : Anais with Rubix, Ella with George, Iris with Jamie and eventually Heloise with Swing. Everyone untacked the horses and fed them. Eventually we got back to the house to have lunch. After having a short free time we went to the table for the English lesson with Grace at 2:30 p.m. We studied a text about the Olympics and Paralympics and then on the process of making chocolate. After having gotten ready Michelle and Grace took us to the lake with Dolly. We went directly to the bouncy castles to have fun there. We stayed for almost two hours. We arrived at the house at 7:30 p.m. Chiara lounged Alf while we were showering. We ate delicious and tasty lasagnas cooked by Michelle around 8:30 p.m. We are currently writing the blog in front of an amazing sunset and it’s nearly time to go to bed. 😀 👏 🌄

Tuesday 11th July:

Today  we woke up at about 8:00 a.m. We directly dressed up in riding clothes. When we were ready we went downstairs to eat breakfast. At 9:00 o’clock sharp we went to the stables where we put our boots on. Then as usual we brushed the horses: Appoline and Louise for Rubix, Ella and Andrea for George, Iris for Jamie, Anais for Brooke , Heloise for Swing and eventually Chiara for Rory. This time there were three groups for the riding lessons. The first group composed of Chiara with Archie, Andrea with Rory and Ella with George took its riding lesson while the others were helping in the stables. The second group composed of Anais with Brooke, Appoline with George and Louise with Rubix started their lesson as soon as the first one was done. Meanwhile those who weren’t riding showered Buster and Rory. Eventually the last group composed of Iris with Jamie and Heloise with Swing went to get their riding lesson. We ate lunch and then had some free time before the English lesson. We learnt about Mandela Day. It was very hot therefore Michelle gave us some refreshing ice pops. After that we went to the stables again and looked after the horses. Heloise rode Rubix to prepare her galop 4 while Appoline, Ella, Louise and Iris were taking Jamie, Brooke and Buster to the paddock. Chiara rode Rory to prepare her galop 5 and she lounged with Alf, Andrea could lounge him too. We all had our shower while Andrea and Chiara were taking Rory, Swing and Rubix with Grace to the paddock. Now it’s time for dinner and we’re looking forward to tasting Michelle’s curry. 😃 👍 🙂

Wednesday 12th July :

Today Grace came to wake us up at 8:04 a.m. We dressed up and went downstairs to have breakfast. Then we brushed our teeths and went to the stables about 9:00 a.m. as usual, we brushed the horses : Louise and Appoline brushed Rubix, Ella and Andrea brushed George, Chiara brushed Rory, Heloise brushed Swing, Iris brushed Jamie and Anais brushed Brooke. The first lesson started for the first group composed of Andrea with Rory, Ella with George and Chiara with Archie. Meanwhile, the other groups brushed Albert and Benson. Once the first lesson was over, the second group started to ride, it was composed of Appoline with George and Louise with Swing. Unfortunately, Louise fell off Swing hopefully she only had bruises but she has been brave and went back on Swing. After that, the third group could have their riding lesson. It was composed of Heloise with Rubix, Anais with Brooke and Iris with Jamie. During that, we all fed the horses. We had lunch, and we ate sandwiches as usual.

We had some freetime and then we had our English lesson with Grace. We studied about shopping in London by doing dictation. After we continued our poster about Mandela day but we didn’t have time to finish because we had to go to the lake. We had fun on the bouncy castles for about half an hour. We got changed in the restaurant toilet. Dawn and Josephine were there for the picnic so we all had dinner together. Then Anais showed us two magic tricks. It was very impressive ! We left the lake to go to the house and now we are writing the blog. After the blog is finished, we are going to take our showers and then go to bed.  🤽 🐎

Thursday 13rd July :

Today, we woke up at 8:10 a.m. We got ready in riding clothes and went downstairs to have breakfast. We went back upstairs to brush our teeth. At 9:00 a.m. we all went to the stables, we got our shoes on and started brushing the horses. As usual, Appoline and Louise brushed Rubix, Ella and Andrea brushed George, Chiara and Heloise brushed Rory, Anais and Iris brushed Brooke. This time was different : we had jumping. The first group (Andrea with George, Chiara with Rory and Louise with Rubix) started the riding lesson while the others were helping Michelle in the stables. Then the second group (Appoline with George, Anais with Rubix and Iris with Jamie) could start riding. There were only two groups this morning as Heloise and Ella were going to ride in the afternoon for the horses to rest. We fed the horses, cleaned the saddles and the bridles and then went back to the house to dress up in casual clothes. We ate sandwiches for lunch and had a little bit of free time. The English lesson started a bit earlier as some of us had to ride in the afternoon. We finished the dictation we started last time and then went to the stables to complete a paper about the horse’s parts. Right after that, we translated a French dressage test into English. Meanwhile Ella and Heloise got ready for their riding lesson, the others painted horse shoes. After, Chiara rode Rory for her dressage test and she lounged Archie for her galop 5. We all showered and Heloise learned with Grace some theory for the galop 4. We had some free time before dinner. Tonight, it was burger night (Quentin was here). We did a blind test and not surprisingly, Grace’s team won. We all had some ice cream and now we’re writing the blog before going to bed. 👏 🙂 🎶/#

Friday 14th July:

 Today we woke up at 9:15 a.m. as we didn’t have to go to the stables. We dressed up directly in casual clothes and went downstairs to have breakfast. Then almost everyone went to the stables to brush all the horses. Louise was helping Chiara upstairs to revise her theory for the galop 5. Then Louise, Chiara and Anais went to the stables to finish brushing the horses. At 11:45 a.m. we went back to the house to take our English lesson. It was really funny as we had to complete some famous songs’ lyrics, we danced and we sang. During the lesson we saved a baby pigeon from death as Cupra caught it. We named it Olaf. After that we ate lunch and then the one leaving tomorrow went to the stables to pick their riding stuff. Then we all went back upstairs to pack our clothes and take our showers while Chiara was taking her theory test. Now we’re writing the blog before going to an activity which is a surprise and then to a party to celebrate the 14th of July (National Day). We’re looking forward to going to it ! It’s Ella, Chiara, Iris, Anais, Appolin and Andrea’s last day. They are very sad but they enjoy these last moments they spend here.  🎉 🇨🇵 👏